Making a Memory on Labor Day 2010

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Labor Day has come and gone, the kids are now back in school and the mad rush towards the holidays begins.  Where did the summer go?  It was just Memorial Day and the stores have Halloween and Christmas items in them.  Life just seems to get faster and faster and sometimes I just want it to stop.  Well I had a great opportunity this past Labor Day weekend to do just that.  Stop and enjoy one of the best times ever.  Years ago during my former married life, I enjoyed party planning on the block we lived on, Honeysuckle Court to be exact.  They were great times, lots of memories with neighbors  many became good friends, getting together and enjoying the moment.  Impromptu is always easier when you all live on the same street, but there were many parties and they were good times and the basis for the Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer.  People enjoying the moment no matter how big or small the party was.  Fast forward five years and I got the opportunity once again to put my party planning hat on for something other than a charity fundraiser and I must say it was wonderful!   Labor Day at my friends house in the keys was better than any cruise or vacation we have taken.  A group of people, some who knew each other but  many who did not, meeting over a series of themed dinners, fishing, snorkeling, swimming and just having fun.  It was as though time stood still at that house in Tavernier and we all got a chance to introduce ourselves to each other, eat, drink , laugh and learn that it is important to take time off from the daily grind.  We all need to take a break, slow time down and enjoy the moment.  No one wanted to leave, and we all learned the importance of such special times.  People who hadn’t seen each other in years reconnected while new friendships were found and forged.  I look forward to our next get together, to make more memories and just stop the chaos that is our everyday lives, if even just for a weekend!

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